
Showing posts from July, 2020


Medications are going on- treatments are on too for some, Cure is highly necessary for attractive damages.    Fight for survival. Depression is in trend nowadays. But who you will put the blame on for your damages? Existence is at stake Nothing is permanent & temporary is in the flow. Go with the flow will ruin a bit. Can't be constructive enough but being destructive is a savage nowadays. But why you need to be a part of this blaming game? You're an emotional fool-that's your story. Everyone has a story to tell-but who cares? It's you for whom you're suffering - Blame yourself not others. It's you who is destroying yourself. Stop overthinking-Be constructive. Stop Blaming - Start realising!!!!!!!!

Reality check

Generation is very active, youths are very helpfull. Power of social media fame- Power of the Post & Share button. Power of getting viral. Flow of following the trend. What if - if the generation starts sharing legit topics more than those irrelevant topics? What if - if the youths raise voices for others who're paying more attentions to lame stuffs? What if - if instead thinking you'll change someone. You first change yourself your mentality first? What if - if instead of starting with random people you start bringing the change with your loved & closed ones? What if - if heart can speak out all those unsaid & suppressed stuffs which you wanted to say but couldn't due to some reasons or domination? Being Unique is really something special-but being specially Unique & real is something worthy. Think twice before you take a step......... Everything is cool- being a part of viral topic or following a trend  - But in between all these don't loose your-self ...


To the selfish world, We are also one of You- Why don't You count on US? To the cruel human beings, We are also tiny souls - just like you all, To the abusive words and tauntings - Stop blaming Us for every reason while We protect You in your every tough situation. Don't leave Us in Our hard times while We continuously stand by your side whenever you're in need.. Don't beat Us while We heal your wounds,helps you to recover from injuries by treating you well. Why then You lean on our shoulder when You think that We can't complete You. Don't shut our voices in fear of losing.We Know We are strong competitors but You only stated We can't Compete with the World. Then Why You think We should fix you and heal you up? Why you are killing us and feeling ashamed when We are just arising? Raise Your Voice - Be Our Voice. Let US Rise and Shine Too. Why it's inglorious if you gave birth to Us? Don't Criticize US by Our Choices,Works, Professions,Dresses or Our p...