Thoughts & All
It was an unfortunate day, the darkest afternoon. You were not mature enough might be an excuse but that doesn't make sense too.
We all were pretty cleared by the fact Trust Factor - it's you who is choosing the people & the bonds. The consequences are yours too as the decisions & the people were yours. That day she needed the most may be the most realistic, the damages caused to her heart & mental peace were terrific enough to put her in terrible trauma. All those fragile bonds gonna cause you havoc and damage aren't We aware of this? - Yes. we are, but it's Human Soul Man - all the understandings the logic factor is for others for own-self neither we can pacify us nor we are able to make us understand what are correct factors are just because of the heart & mind factor.
But I always claimed that I'll be there for her no matter what happens - I always promised I'll rectify her errors even doesn't matter what happens even if she goes mad I'll pacify her I'll realize it's her mistake - I'll support her wrong deeds just like a blind buddy, I cannot be the reason of making her a Brat.
But that day I choose my coffee with me time first while I knew she is my priority. Depression, we help to build it, I said always I was always there also at the same time my single mistake can ruin my all efforts. A call away SHE was even if it was my bad I should tell her that if I can't even visit as it's a busy office schedule - she can join us for a cup of tea, and she can come halfway for you. But the initiative someone needs to take it - doesn't matter if you're the person who is doing this only maybe the other person is really trying hard fighting with themselves just to overcome trust me one day they will also it just needs to be pure & true.
She craved for me my time my support I failed to realize I didn't even ring her to be there with her but it's never too late as I was finishing my coffee my phone news timeline was highlighting news of the day: Someone attempted suicide due to depression, a 19-year-old boy from Goa. Just because it was my fear of losing my bond, my best mate I was ashamed of my failure but as soon as it hits - I rang her and had a conversation for approximately 5 hours: We met the next day - SHE is alive & SHE will. Make sure you are maintaining your bonds too with your actions not only with Words.
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